Governance Vote 2 of 2: Interlay Statemint [Resubmission].

23 Nov 2022, 09:51
🗳️Governance Vote 2 of 2: Interlay 🤝 Statemint [Resubmission] Vote on the proposal to finalise the opening of an XCM channel with Statemint, a common good parachain of Polkadot, so more assets can be used as collateral types for vaults in the future [mainly USDT!] The referendum has been fast tracked and can be voted on in the next 3 hours The referendum has been fast-tracked as the community has voted on this before and we only need to re-execute as last time it failed due to a referendum failing also on parity/Statemint side. Voting ends at block: 1631352 🔗To Referendum ⬇️