Kintsugi Parachain Slot : We did it again. A very GM community.

19 Jun 2023, 08:42
🎉 Kintsugi Parachain Slot : We did it again 🎉 A very GM community ☀️ We are thrilled to announce that Kintsugi has successfully secured a new parachain slot lease on @kusamanetwork. 💎 This auction win will ensure that Kintsugi continues to operate past its current lease till 9th May 2024. The Kintsugi network is integral in our mission to bring innovation & accelerate Bitcoin mass adoption by creating the necessary, trust-free financial infrastructure and products. 💡 On behalf of the Team, we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who’ve supported us in our journey. Stay tuned because there's a whole lot in the pipeline. 🚀